Children Need Dads Too: Children with Fathers in Prison

This research comes from an International Children's Rights Perspective and considers the gender specific issues for children when a father is imprisoned.

The research was conducted in light of the fact that the majority of imprisoned parents are fathers but also because a large amount of previous research from Quaker United Nations Office had been focused on mothers in prison. The research looks at aspects such as Children around the world who live with their fathers in prison, children on the outside (Contact and prevention of contact by other family members, state care, gender discrimination e.g. quality of visits and over night stays for children with imprisoned mothers), the effects of parental imprisonment (economic factors, other carers, health, views of the child, intergenerational offending, pre existing risk factors), the concepts of fatherhood, young fathers, release and reintegration. This report highlights changes in good practice and policy in the US, UK and Europe and considers shortfalls before going to discuss recommendations around the areas of the law, children in prisons with their fathers, alternatives to being in custody, support schemes, contact, resettlement and further research into the area.

See Children Need Dads Too below:

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The Centre is delivered by Barnardo’s in partnership with His Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS).
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