European Journal of Parental Imprisonment- Community Sanctions and Restorative Justice

This is the third European Journal of Parental Imprisonment from network COPE.

Articles in this journal consider alternatives to prison sentences for parent offenders and modes of restorative justice from different countries including Belgium, Australia, the Netherlands and Bulgaria. Articles include: - 'Escaping prison: Alternative approaches to parental incarceration' by Chris McCully - 'Restorative justice and children of imprisoned parents'- interview with John Braithwaite - 'Home sweet home? Experiencing electronic monitoring' by Delphine Vanhaelemeesch - 'Imprisoned mothers: Subjective positions in the construction of the child-parent bond' by AnguŽlina Daskalova - 'House of Restoration: A virtual shelter for restoring (family) ties' by Gert Jan Slump You can download this edition below:

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