European Journal of Parental Imprisonment - Child impact assessments and sentencing

This second edition of the European Journal of Parental Imprisonment considers the use of child impact assessments in sentencing decisions.

A number of the articles included focus on the national context in particular countries, such as South Africa, Sweden, and Scotland. Other pieces consider general topics, such as the impact of short sentences and the well-being of children prior to parental imprisonment. Articles include: - Assessing the impact on a child when their parent is imprisoned: some ethical questions, by Kate Philbrick - Principles for considering defendants' children at sentencing, by the Honourable Eleanor L. Bush - Child impact statements and the Irish probation Service [interview], by Vivian Geiran - Whose rights? What impact? The potential for the development of child impact statements in the Irish criminal justice system, by Fiona Donson - Developments in South African law regarding the sentencing of primary caregivers, by Ann Skelton & Lynne Mansfield-Barry - Child and family impact assessments: key achievements in Scotland, by Tania Loureiro & Nancy Loucks - Short but not sweet: exploring the impact of short sentences on mothers, by Lucy Baldwin and Rona Epstein - Swedish children's rights lacking when sentencing their parents, by Johanna Schiratzki - Children's well-being prior to paternal incarceration, by Joni Reef, Anja Dirkzwager, and Paul Nieuwbeerta

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