EVERY FAMILY MATTERS: Offenders' Children and Families in Bolton

This POPS report is the result of a mapping exercise of offenders' families and support services available to them which was funded by Sure Start Children's Centres and Bolton Council in 2010.

The report explores the issues and barriers these families face in accessing needs appropriate services. Research was undertaken in Sure Start Children's Centres with contributions from local schools, prison visitor centres and family forums. Findings reveal replicable models of good practice and areas where services were lacking which raised concerns around the level of interagency working with indications of poor communication and a lack of knowledge. These factors proved to be an obstacle for families accessing services. Recommendations are made around the need for an improved communication strategy at both grassroots and regional levels, the importance of training staff across the Criminal Justice System and agencies who have contact with children and Families, that timely and accurate information for staff and offender's families is key and that knowledge and experience should be cascaded through existing services. This report suggests ways that services will become more user led and in the mean time contains resources to assist providers in better supporting families e.g. a quick reference directory of recommended services and a basic guide to the Criminal Justice Service.

Read about POP's Mapping exercise below:

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The Centre is delivered by Barnardo’s in partnership with His Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS).
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