HMPYOI Isis Family Strategy 2021-22

Maintaining family relationships is paramount in achieving a reduction in re-offending. HMP /YOI Isis is committed to the fostering of good family relationships and the maintenance of existing relationships, in order to aid the resettlement of prisoners. The prison aims to provide a framework that enables positive outcomes and interactions for children and families with a close family member in our custody. The impact of any custodial sentence is not only felt on the prisoner but also on the family and friends of the prisoner.

We recognise the complex territory of family relationships of those in our care. For many, their family experiences may be negative and traumatic. Some will have been the perpetrators of harm to their families. There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to supporting prisoners and their families at HMP/YOI Isis as we understand the dynamics for each family may be very different.  

Our Partner

The Centre is delivered by Barnardo’s in partnership with His Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS).
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