Breaking the Cycle Non-Offending Partner Programme: Circles South East

This programme is specifically for the non-offending partners of men who have been convicted or accused of sexual offences committed against children.

It has been designed specifically to complement and support the statutory child protection process providing the referring agency with an assessment of participants capacity to protect their child(ren) from the risk of sexual harm. Circles South East aim to assist in the reduction of risk to children where a parent has decided to remain with a convicted sexual offender or someone whose behaviour current or historic has given rise to concerns about childrens' safety. We also work with women who are no longer in a relationship with the perpetrator. This programme is designed to enhance the protective abilities of partners and to assess and address areas of future need. The programme has been running successfully for many years now, and has been licensed to the NSPCC and Walsall Children's Services. The programme is based on 3 Key Principles:

Inform - To share with group members information relating to professional understanding of child sexual abuse and to help them begin to relate that information to their own particular circumstances

Empower - To facilitate group members' ability to contextualise their (ex)partners' offending behaviour thereby ensuring that any future decisions they may make relating to their relationship and / or their children's relationship with the offender, is an informed decision

Support - To decrease the isolation felt by group members and to facilitate support networks in order to strengthen the individual's ability to protect through group process

If further support is required post programme Circles South East can provide trained and supervised volunteers to act as direct support to the non-offending partner, whilst monitoring any further child protection issues. Groups run across the South East and the programme can be delivered on a one-to-one basis in situation where groupwork is not appropriate.

See Circles South East for more information.


T: 01235 816050 / 07435 960556


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Our Partner

The Centre is delivered by Barnardo’s in partnership with His Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS).
NICOO Partners