Families Affected by Imprisonment (FABI) Project - Circle

Circle is a Scottish charity working at the heart of deprived communities across central Scotland.

Circle supports the most marginalised, vulnerable and difficult to engage children and families in order to improve their lives and promote their healthy potential and development. Circle's Families Affected by Imprisonment (FABI) Project supports mothers and fathers at risk of imprisonment, pre and post release from prison and their families in the community. Whilst a parent is in prison, Circle can: Help to prepare for release. Help meet particular support needs. Upon release from prison, Circle can: Give hands on support to manage life on the outside. Provide support in accessing other services such as drug agencies, counselling etc. Attend meetings with other professionals to provide support to mothers and fathers. Assist with completing forms and manage correspondence. Support to help manage children's behaviour and meet their needs. Provide support to mothers and fathers with setting routines with children. Offer support to other family members who are involved in the children's lives. Circle can also support children by: Meeting children regularly and helping them to talk about their worries. Help children to access groups and activities. Support mothers and fathers to improve children's school attendance. Support mothers and fathers to attend children's medical appointments. Provide a flexible service in order to help families with particular needs. Support mothers and fathers to attend Children's Hearings. The service is for parents at risk of imprisonment or in the prison who have children under the age of 16. In the areas in which Circle work, Circle can offer direct support in the prison and in the community.

Any professional or agency can refer to Circle.

E: info@circlescotland.org

T: 0131 552 0305

A: 18 West Pilton Park, Edinburgh, EH4 4EJ

W: http://www.circlescotland.org/fabi.aspx

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Our Partner

The Centre is delivered by Barnardo’s in partnership with His Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS).
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