Guidelines for Working with Children who have a 'Family' Member in Prison (Oxfordshire)

This document provides guidance on how schools in Oxfordshire should support children with a family member in prison. The guidelines aim to raise awareness and understanding of the impact of imprisonment on children's needs, promote social inclusion and develop a consistent approach across the local authority. The guidelines provide information around the impact of imprisonment on a child, on their school life and on their outcomes. The guidelines set out how schools can respond to children with a family member in prison, in terms of confidentiality issues and information sharing, classroom management, the role that a designated teacher or staff member may take, suggested basic principles for supporting children affected by imprisonment and so on. Furthermore there is basic information about prison visits, and how schools should respond to visits when they impact on a child at school (for example, changes in behaviour and absence from school). Download the full guidelines below.

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The Centre is delivered by Barnardo’s in partnership with His Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS).
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