POPS currently deliver visitor services in the following prisons: HMP Manchester, HMYOI Thorne Cross, HMP Buckley Hall, HMP Garth, HMYOI Hindley, HMP Kennet, HMP Kirkham, HMYOI Lancaster Farms, HMP Liverpool, HMP Risley, HMP Wymott and HMP Wakefield.

'Making the Connection' is the underpinning ethos forming the foundation of POPS' service delivery. POPS provide high quality, user-led visitor services based on their Outside-In/Inside-Out approach to developing prison Visitor Centres into epicentres for family engagement. POPS services are responsive to visitor need and target families with complex needs, connecting them to appropriate support both in the prison and out in the community.

Connecting with Families: Active engagement of visitors by staff and volunteers ensure that all feel welcome and provide the opportunity for families to make enquiries or access one-to-one support from the Family Services Coordinator. POPS Visitor Centres are a 'hub' for information and support relevant and responsive to the needs of visitors ensuring visitors are clear about the visits process (particularly focusing on first-time visitors). Resources and support reflect need, diversity and equality of opportunity. Visitors are aware of opportunities for user engagement to influence the service i.e. Family Forums. Visitors understand how to compliment/complain or provide user feedback to develop services.

  • Connecting with Children and Young People: A positive visits experience is vital in assisting children and young people to maintain and develop their family relationships. During social visits POPS promote this through:
  • Family-led play facilities in Visitor Centres designed to encourage 'self-stimulated learning'
  • Play services in the Visits Hall staffed by Early Years Workers qualified to NVQ levels 1-3.
  • Training Early Years Workers to identify need amongst visitors & refer families to the Family Services Coordinator for further support.
  • Activities designed to encourage family learning and child-parent interaction at the visits tables 
  • Play areas equipped with age-specific activities and planning specific seasonal/cultural activities. POPS work with partner prisons to deliver at least four Family Days each year ensuring the needs of children, young people and their parents are reflected, including those of specific groups such as teenagers/BME groups.

Connecting to Refreshment Services: POPS cafe services integrate our 2nd Chance model where appropriate, providing prisoners with catering/customer services experience & opportunities to gain qualifications to assist their progress toward resettlement. Our overarching ethos promotes high standards of delivery and a service which reflects visitor need through the provision of a range of hot and cold healthy/culturally sensitive refreshments.

Connecting to Local Community Partner Agencies: Central to POPS 'Outside-In/Inside-Out' approach are partnerships with community agencies, supported by robust referral processes, ensuring troubled families and other hard-to-reach groups have access to the specialist support they require including accommodation, debt and employment support agencies.

Connecting Strategically: POPS aim to establish 'Think Family' strategic meetings with partner prisons which formalise the development of the Children and Families pathway within the prison and enhance family involvement in existing procedures. POPS' 'Walk-the-walk' visits audit highlight strengths and weaknesses and provide recommendations for action.

See POPS Prison Visitor Services below:

E: mail@partnersofprisoners.co.uk

T: 0161 702 1000 A: 1079 Rochdale Road, Manchester, M9 8AJ

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Our Partner

The Centre is delivered by Barnardo’s in partnership with His Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS).
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