News & Views

04th Apr, 2018

Call for case studies

We are happy to support the Prison Reform Trust (PRT) which is currently engaged in a major three-year Transforming Lives programme

As part of our month focusing on issues around maternal imprisonment, i-HOP are happy to support the Prison Reform Trust (PRT) which is currently engaged in a major three-year Transforming Lives programme, supported by the Big Lottery Fund, with the overall aim of reducing the number of women sent to prison across the UK.

As part of this work, PRT has partnered with Families Outside for the “What about me?” project, which focuses on the impact on children of a mother’s involvement in the criminal justice system. PRT is keen to highlight examples of good practice throughout the UK and would like to include case study examples from organisations supporting children with lived experience of a mother in prison. 

Case studies should be no more than around 150 words in length and must be written from the child's / children's experience, rather than the mother's. It would be helpful if case studies could demonstrate the challenges that children face and the difference a particular intervention / collaboration made. Case studies can be about a particular point in the criminal justice journey (e.g. arrest/sentencing/release) or provide a more general overview. 

Case studies should be emailed to Sarah Beresford on:

by Friday 20th April 2018.

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The Centre is delivered by Barnardo’s in partnership with His Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS).
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