News & Views

22nd Oct, 2019

HMPPS Families Conference attracts large audience

The 3rd Families & Significant Others Conference took place on 17th October at the Holiday Inn, Stevenage.

There were a diverse selection of both guest speakers and workshop topics for the large audience to engage with, as well as plenty of opportunity for colleagues to share good practice. This helped to fulfil the conference aims which were to help senior establishment leaders and family support partners to ensure that the 'Golden Thread' of nurturing relationships is maintained.


The list of guest speakers included:

Diane Caddle: Executive Director - Prison Safety and Rehabilitation.

Mariam Mola: Entrepreneur, author & founder of the UK's leading female mentoring initiative.

Dr Samantha Callan: Parliamentary Adviser to Lord Farmer.

Andy Keen-Downs: Chief Executive of Pact (the Prison Advice & Care Trust)

Simon Marshall: Head of Rehabilitation Services Group HMPPS


Polly Wright, an independent consultant gave feedback on the work she has undertaken with CLINKs, who have published a set of family engagement toolkits and resources for establishments created as part of the 10 Prisons Project. These ‘Think Family’ briefings provide insight into current family practice within the prison estate, and guidance on how to develop a Think Family approach.

The briefings cover 4 topics:

•       Effective communication with families

•       Developing a Think Family approach for key workers

•       Gateway communication systems

•       Strategic development of a Think Family approach.


Copies of the presentations, handouts and other information from the conference can be downloaded from here.

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The Centre is delivered by Barnardo’s in partnership with His Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS).
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