HMYOI Wetherby Family Strategy December 2021

HM YOI Wetherby is committed to support the children in our care to develop meaningful and constructive relationships with their families and carers or significant person who is identified as their next of kin, and transforming Wetherby into a place of safety and reform and we recognise the need to provide those in custody with stable environments, as well as opportunities to change their behaviour and turn away from a life of crime.  It is vital that family or carers are part of a child’s journey whilst in custody with research showing people in custody who receive visits from a family member, carer or significant other who is a protective factor in their life are less likely to reoffend as they play a key role in this.

Our Partner

The Centre is delivered by Barnardo’s in partnership with His Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS).
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