Barnardo's i-HOP Quality Statements and Toolkit

The Barnardo's i-HOP Quality Statements and Toolkit is a helpful resource for all professionals in universal, targeted, specialist and criminal justice services to assess and develop their practice with children of offenders.

Produced by Research in Practice, the Toolkit was informed by research, policy and practice as well as practitioners and children and young people who have had a loved one involved in the Criminal Justice System. The Toolkit is structured by 8 Quality Statements for services to aspire to. These fit under the headings:

  • 1. Awareness
  • 2. Identification
  • 3. Children's Voice
  • 4. Multi-Agency Working
  • 5. Stages of the Criminal Justice System
  • 6. Support and Services
  • 7. Challenging Stigma
  • 8. Building the Evidence

Each Quality Statement includes: a rationale about why it is so important for improving children's outcomes, examples of past or existing practice and action checklists which you can edit in the PDF document or print off so that your service can self assess its work with offenders' children. There is also a fully editable template in the appendix to help your service develop a work plan using the most relevant action points from the self assessment checklists in the Toolkit.  There is also a handy introductory video, an appendix Resource Database of tools, practice examples and references, and a poster of the Quality Statements. You can also look at some organisations' action plans in progress.

Below, you can download the Quality Statements and Toolkit:

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The Centre is delivered by Barnardo’s in partnership with Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS).
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